We are currently at a time when virtual meetings have become a widely accepted solution. If many people refused the virtual meetings before the coronavirus and insisted on physical presence, the coronavirus has inevitably provided insight. This means that many video conferencing solutions have received a significant boost in the past year. Google Meet is one of them.
One or the other of you may have come to a meeting and then realized that the wrong microphone was selected and you could not be heard properly. Teams and co. Have a preview solution for this, so that you can check beforehand whether everything is set correctly. Now Google Meet also gets a better setting option for it.
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Before starting a meeting you can now click on a button (Check your audio and video), which will lead you to a preview of your video transmission and the settings for speakers and microphone. There you can set up everything exactly and then start the meeting prepared. The whole thing will be distributed immediately and should be available to all G-Suite and Workspace subscribers by mid-February.