WhatsApp has become a popular channel not only for private communication. Companies also try to keep in touch with customers via messenger. And in groups, you talk about it sometimes – for example to organize a birthday and related gifts together. WhatsApp is now introducing a practical function, initially only in Brazil.
In Brazil, you can now send payments to your conversation partners directly within the app. Purchases from local businesses are also possible in this way.
Thanks to the simplified payments directly in Messenger, WhatsApp promises its partners new growth opportunities. The payments use Facebook Pay as the backbone.
To avoid unauthorized transactions, a special six-digit PIN or fingerprint is always required when paying. To get started, WhatsApp in Brazil supports debit and credit cards from Banco do Brasil, Nubank, and Sicredi (Visa and Mastercard). WhatsApp also collaborates with Cielo, a large payment processing provider in Brazil. The company plans to bring more partners on board shortly.
Sending and receiving payments is free in WhatsApp for private individuals. Businesses have to pay a processing fee to receive customer payments (similar to credit card transactions). When WhatsApp will distribute its payment function in other countries is currently still absolutely in the stars. After all, the beginning has been made.